Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What's going on

Well, you might think from seeing the lack of posts on this blog that not much has been going on, lately. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The truth, I guess, is that I've been living my life Stateside these days and Minna, still in Israel, has been very busy! She's got a "full house" going right now -- not just her parents visiting (and staying in the apartment at 3 Mivtza Kadesh), but also her brother, her sister-in-law and two young nieces! Just since the younger visitors' arrival on Friday, they've been to the Jerusalem Zoo, the Old City (including the Kotel) and Gilo (where they visited with a friend who is on the Jersualem police force and her family). . . And that's just what I remember!!! (From what Minna has told me.) . . . Tomorrow they're going to visit the Supreme Court (especially exciting for Minna's lawyer dad)!

Meanwhile, the one "Israel-related" thing I've been doing here is continuing to train for the Hazon ride in the Spring (we're going to ride from Tel-Aviv to Eilat, 300 miles!). Today I got back from a two-day training tour of about 85 miles total. It was fun, but _very_ challenging. It's winter here in Pennsylvania. Happily, there was no snow or anything else falling from the sky, but sub-freezing tempatures kept me dreaming about spring in the Negev!

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